Latest Episodes

Extreme Figures (w/h Sal from Rush Collectibles)
In this episode of THIS IS EXTREME we talk to Sal from Rush Collectibles about their upcoming Extreme Ring Masters line of figures! Buy...

Dudleyville Origins (w/h Snot Dudley)
In this episode of THIS IS EXTREME we talk to one of the original Dudleys "Little" Snot Dudley! Buy the shirt at the...

How Do You Like My Episode? (w/h Jason)
In this episode of THIS IS EXTREME we talk to "The Sexiest Man On Earth" Jason! Buy the shirt at the podcast on...

Behind the Camera (w/h ECW TV director Matt Radico)
In this episode of THIS IS EXTREME we talk to Matt Radico the director of ECW TV from 1993-1994 Buy the shirt at

Destination Dudleyville (w/h Chubby Dudley)
In this episode of THIS IS EXTREME we talk to ECW star Chubby Dudley about his career and the end of ECW SUBSCRIBE TO...

No ECW Without CW (w/h CW Anderson)
In this episode of THIS IS EXTREME we talk to ECW star CW Anderson about his career and the end of ECW Buy the...